Look for the most shity bonding equipment from russia and support this. So everybody with university equipment is able to use the process and the packaging. Think about QFP and DIL68 packages :-) Get the specs for the lead frames there. This should be a start, I suppose.
On 11/3/19, Staf Verhaegen staf@fibraservi.eu wrote:
Goodday Hagen,
I think the question is better phrased as to which packaging equipment LibreSilicon has access to and how much money they want to pay. I think advanced wire-bonding can go to pad openings of 50um by 50um or below. The most recent trend is I think to go for flip-chip bonding and not wire-bonding though for advanced chips with high speed signals.
In the IO libraries we developed at my previous work place we did not integrate the bonding pads in the IO cells and we provided different sets of bonding pads and custom ones could even be generated for the customer. For space application typically wedge wire-bonding needs to be used and this needs bigger pad openings; some application can live with ball wire bonding and use smaller pad openings. greets, Staf.
Hagen SANKOWSKI schreef op zo 03-11-2019 om 10:01 [+0100]:
Hello List! While doing some homework regarding our PAD cells, I once again lookedinto the MOSIC Design Rules for Scalable CMOS [0]. Out of Rule Set 10.x we get the mimimum grid for bonding pad areas with102 micron. So my question is here, do somebody has access to bonding machines andtheir documentation and can provide the grid of bonding pad areas thismachines usually can handle? Is this 95u/100u as I still remember? Or are this machines already inthe milli-inch-measured domain, e.g. 4 mil for 101.6u? Curious,Hagen. [0] https://www.mosis.com/files/scmos/scmos.pdf