On January 25, 2022 3:47:39 PM UTC, "David Lanzendörfer" leviathan@libresilicon.com wrote:
that there won't be any vibrations, especially, considering that I'm anyway stepping VERY slow... I'll cross the bridge of what drivers to use, as soon as I'm there :-)
Trinamic ICs have 1/256 phase interpolation and generate proper pure sine waves, where ordinary ones have 1/8 if you are lucky and shove out domething closer to a sawtooth than a sine wave. the difference is that Trinamic use 32bit internal microcontrollers whereas your average driver is likely an 8051.
consequently the average drivers have some serious interpolation artefacts that you really do not want to have the hassle of finding out how bad they are *and how PCB designers failed to read the frickin datasheet*