Maybe, it can be abused, just scale the measurements.
Add a mask which is like sheet metal, and get etched structures which are like a brick, so you can see a brick and masks as an assembly.
There are many tools out there which can be abused for other purposes. I abused a schematics entry tool to generate models of business processes, just by drawing a performer symbol, a task symbol, an event symbol and so on and then I drew a schematic with these symbols and got a netlist of the business process.
On Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 12:16 PM David Lanzendörfer <> wrote:
FreeCAD is a light year away from VLSI tools... It's like trying to screw a screw out with a hammer...
On Monday, 21 January 2019 5:26:03 AM HKT ludwig jaffe wrote:
Ad: "FreeCAD is a 3D CAD/CAE parametric modeling application. It is primarily made for mechanical design, but also serves all other uses where you need to **model 3D objects with precision and control over modeling history**" sounds promising