Hello List!
Just a small reminder for our next Mumble Sessions on this Sunday, 23/03/2020, at 21.00 Hong Kong Time.
Please join us as usual at our Mumble Server murmur.libresilicon.com at Port 64738, the Channel is IC.
Thanks for the attention!
I'm apparently not the first one with the idea to use a DMD chip and an UV
light source for exposure:
There are actually parts available:
For those chips, the UV wave length would be around 360nm
The price on Mouser is 8888 USD, so around 9 thousand USD
The chip is exactly made for mask less lithography systems as the one I wanna
build, it's even mentioned in the data sheet:
By optimizing the aperture of the lens system, this means that one could
perfectly fine produce feature sizes down to 150 nm or so, maybe even smaller.
I wonder, whether we should make a gofundme campaign for buying the
required second hand stepper and this chip... Hmm.
Also. Since this chip is super expensive, we will need to *really* make sure,
that there's no mistake in the PCB, because we only have one attempt.